On 03/30/2011 11:56 AM, Carlos Konstanski wrote:
On 03/30/2011 12:37 PM, Paul Bowyer wrote:
I'm just learning how to work with lisp and slime and I would like to know if I can ask questions on this list regarding the setup and operation of slime?
pbowyer Of course! Where else can you go for help? Nowhere I can think of.
Welcome to the rarefied contingent of Lisp programmers! Makes my day.
_______________________________________________ slime-devel site list slime-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/slime-devel
OK then: In my learning exercises, I have been using something like: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (if (find-package "CH16") (delete-package "CH16")) ) (defpackage "CH16" (:use "COMMON-LISP" "UTIL") (:shadow "LENGTH" "MEMBER" "COUNT") (:export "LENGTH" "MEMBER" "BEFORE" "NUMBER-LISTP" "SAME-LENGTH1" "SAME-LENGTH2" "COUNT") ) (in-package "CH16") ;;;more code containing functions follows ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- at the beginning of my lisp source files to try to handle problems I was having with error messages when I tried to compile or compile/load my source. It took me a while to discern how to get this far, but now with the code above (after the initial compile/load) I need to compile twice or compile then compile/load because the first compile produces error messages similar to the following. ------------------------------------------ Unable to display error condition: *PACKAGE* can't be a deleted package: *PACKAGE* has been reset to #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP-USER">. [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR] ------------------------------------------ If I abort to slime's top level and then immediately compile or compile/load, it works correctly until the next time I try to compile when I have to repeat the process. Is there a way to avoid having to repeat the compile process twice? I've tried various gyrations of the above code without success. Before I discerned that I needed to compile twice before getting a successful compilation, after aborting to slime's top level I tried (find-package "CH16") in the REPL and got NIL. After the second compilation, the 'find-package' command succeeded with #<PACKAGE "CH16">. I'm using: sbcl-1.0.29 emacs-23.1.1 slime version uncertain, but downloaded recently All running under PCLinuxOS-2010 using KDE-4.6.1 Thanks for any light you can shed on this, pbowyer