Luke Gorrie <> writes:
Helmut Eller <> writes:
Where should install we SLIME by default? A writable directory would be the easiest for us; not sure if distributors like that.
I hacked swank-loader.lisp to put the fasl files in ~/.slime/fasl/ (on Win32 it's _slime instead). This way we can install in a read-only directory. Sound okay?
I use Win32 and have plenty of directories in my home directory that start with "dot". There's no reason to make a special exception for Win32 - I would prefer to have the directory name be the same for both Win32 and non-Win32 installs. Another advantage is that, in Emacs, you can elect to not have your dot directories displayed in dired buffers. This is my preference for the fasl directories as I don't normally want to drill down into them. - Bill