On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:28:39 -0700 (PDT), <smustudent1@yahoo.com> wrote:
Also, a (minor) security question - since remote connections to swank are possible (and potentially very useful!) is there some kind of password protection and encryption that can be enabled for non-local hookups? emacs being emacs, if a user attacks a swank port they essentially could use emacs to do virtually anything your local security permits. Or am I missing something?
Shouldn't you expect the user to handle this issue? For instance, suppose I run completely behind a secure firewall, then your additional passwording, etc is merely annoying at best. SSH has offered means to tunnel selected ports for years, and there are other tools nowdays. This is not a can of worms that SLIME needs to open. -- With sufficient thrust, pigs fly fine.