On Feb 25, 2005, at 2:54 PM, rif wrote:
; Warning: Interface file #4P"ccl:darwin-headers;libc;functions.cdb" does not exist. ; While executing: CCL::CDB-OPEN Read error between positions 8480 and 8595 in /Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp.
Error in process listener(1): Foreign function not found: OS::|tmpnam| While executing: CCL::LOAD-EXTERNAL-FUNCTION Type :POP to abort. Type :? for other options. 1 >
Any suggestions?
Hmm. I see that in swank-openmcl.lisp there is this function: (defun temp-file-name () "Return a temporary file name to compile strings into." (ccl:%get-cstring (#_tmpnam (ccl:%null-ptr)))) #_tmpnam is going to trigger the error you saw. OpenMCL's FFI #_ reader macro tries to intern OS::|tmpnam| and create a foreign function call. The specific problem is that this mechanism requires the interface databases for OpenMCL. You may get them from here: http://openmcl.clozure.com/Distributions/openmcl-release-0.14.2.html Scroll down to section 2. Interface database issues. You also need the interface databases if you ever care to compile OpenMCL yourself. I think there are some bug fixes in CVS you might need anyway.