I saw the following today (trying to get ABCL to run),
WARNING: Test failed: (EVAL-WHEN (&ANY :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :EXECUTE) &BODY BODY) => "(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body)" Expected: "(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body)"
In case it's not clear, the test failed because it was using string= while the arglist-to-string output contains an extra newline right after "...&body". This test originated from contrib/swank-arglists.lisp.
The wrapping is specified by *print-right-margin*, which the test sets to nil. I am not sure what the appropriate value should be.
From the Hyperspec on *print-right-margin*:
"If it is nil, the right margin is taken to be the maximum line length such that output can be displayed without wraparound or truncation. If this cannot be determined, an implementation-dependent value is used."