For me this fixes it. Gabor On Tuesday 27 April 2004 21:37, Brian Downing wrote:
This doesn't seem to work quite right for me. Here's how.
1. Start emacs. I have one frame with one window that's *scratch*. 2. M-x slime. (Mine happens to be OpenMCL.) 3. Slime loads. Now I have two windows, *scratch* on top, and *slime-repl[1]* on bottom, selected. 4. I only want the REPL, so I C-x 1, making slime-repl take the whole screen. 5. I type "(symb<TAB>". It completes to "(symbol", and the completions pop up in a window at the bottom of the screen. 6. I want symbol-macrolet, so I type "-m<TAB>". It completes symbol-macrolet. But my window is still split; *scratch* has taken the place of *Completions*. I banished *scratch* above, I don't want to see it again.
I find this more annoying than just having the completions stay up, since at least they have some bearing on my Lisp work.
I think it should restore the window configuration that was there before the completions popped up, unless windows manipulation commands were run in the interim, in which cast the user would be annoyed when whatever he did disappeared.
Unfortunately I have no clue how to do this. :) Maybe tieing in to winner-mode (which I have up anyway...)