Hi, I'm not 100% sure this is a SLIME question, an ASDF question, or a Common Lisp question, but I'll ask it here anyway. In my program I'd like to have *read-default-float-format* be long-float instead of the default single-float. To accomplish this, I added (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setq *read-default-float-format* 'long-float)) to package.lisp, which should be the first file to be compiled/loaded by ASDF. Now if I do a ,load-system in the SLIME REPL, everything is fine: *read-default-float-format* evaluates to long-float during compilation and also does in the REPL. However, if I open one of my files, and add (defun foo () 50.0), do a C-M-x to compile it, and then call (foo) in the REPL, I get 50.0f0 instead of 50.0d0. C-c C-k doesn't help either, and C-x C-e on the 50.0 also produces a single-float. If I then save the file and do another ,load-system, then (foo) in the REPL /will/ return 50.0d0, as expected. How can I get C-M-x, C-c C-k and C-x C-e to use long-floats too? Am I doing something wrong that causes them to behave differently from ,load-system? I'm using SLIME and Emacs from CVS, and have set inferior-lisp-program and slime-multiprocessing to "sbcl" and t, respectively. Kind regards, Dirk Gerrits