Brian Downing <bdowning@lavos.net> writes:
Continuing my attempts to spam slime-devel:
I find the slime-repl comma shortcuts to be quite useful. However, it would be nice if when a comma shortcut was run, if a re-runable version of the command with its arguments could be put in the repl buffer and on the repl command history. That would seem make interacting with the repl a little bit nicer, as it would remove some of the discontinuity between lisp forms (you can see them in the repl buffer, and they can be called up with M-p) and repl commands (you can sometimes see their results in the repl buffer, and they cannot be called up with M-p.)
we could do this with the (force-)?(load|compile)-system commands, just like we do with the defpapameter and resend commands, but i don't know what we'de put in the buffer in the case of change-directory, and i don't know what the point of putting (in-package :???) would be in the repl.
I looked into doing this, but it wasn't immediately obvious to me how I'd accomplish it.
see the definition of slime-repl-resend and slime-repl-defparameter, however if you tell me what commands you want i can do it pretty quickly. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen