* Volkan YAZICI [2008-08-15 16:25+0200] writes:
But this time evaluation enters into `custom-slime-connect', executes `(run-with-timer ...)' expression, *Messages* display `Connecting to Swank on port 4005...' lines (2 times) and nothing happens. Would you mind helping me to spot the problem?
You could do something like this: (setq slime-lisp-implementations `((sbcl-4005 ("sbcl") :init (lambda (port-file _encoding) (let ((form `(swank::setup-server 4005 (lambda (port) (swank::announce-server-port ,port-file port)) :spawn t (swank::find-external-format-or-lose"latin-1-unix")))) (format "%S\n\n" `(progn (load ,(expand-file-name "swank-loader.lisp" slime-path) :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (eval (read-from-string ,(prin1-to-string form)))))))) Then you can start it with `M- M-x slime sbcl-4005'.
Furthermore, in the *inferior-lisp* buffer started by `inferior-lisp' command, after every expression I evaluate in *inferior-lisp* buffer, it displays
;; SWANK: sb-thread::get-foreground ...
in the *inferior-lisp* buffer and the steps into the prompt. Is that something expected?
That's a debug message. I can remove that.
BTW, I'm quite suprised that almost everybody is satisfied with the current close-socket-on-client-disconnects behavior.
Keep in mind that there are two kinds of sockets. The "server socket" which accepts the connection and the "client socket" which is the actual communication channel. In absence of the :dont-close argument, we close the server socket after the first connection just to close one of the many security holes. Keeping the client socket open after Emacs disconnects is meaningless, as by then there's nobody to talk to. I guess that most people start long running Lisp process in Screen or something like that and not from within Emacs.
My client disconnects from the inferior lisp image nearly two or three times a day. (I suspect this is because of non-latin characters, despite my coding-system set to "utf-8-unix".)
In this case, there should be an error message either in the *inferior-lisp* buffer of the *Messages* buffer.
And because of I cannot reconnect, I need to start SLIME from scratch, which is quite irritating. IMHO, it'd awesome if it'd be possible to start a dedicated swank server easily in SLIME.
If the *inferior-lisp* process is still running, and you do `M-x slime' then SLIME usually asks: "Create an additional *inferior-lisp*? (y or n)" If you answer yes, the same Lisp process opens a new server socket and lets Emacs reconnect. There are some bugs, it seems to work for the first connection but not for multiple concurrent connections. Adding a fixed port number to slime-lisp-implementations would be easy but not very useful. I guess we could add something like `C-u PORT-NUMBER M-x slime', but I doubt that enough people need that to justify the added complexity for `M-x slime'. Helmut.