I am a new user to slime 2.0. I want some help to connect slime to clisp 2.38. I have attempted and steps are below. Thanks in advance.
1. Installation of slime 2.0 (Windows XP)
I have downloaded slime 2.0 (compressed zipped file) and extracted all the file into /Deb/slime/slime-2.0
2. Installation of clisp 2.38 (Windows XP)
I have downloaded clisp-2.38-win32-with-readline-and-gettext which is a compressed (zipped) file. I have unzipped it and put all the files into the directory Deb//clisp/clisp-2.38.
3. Try
As per the quick setup instructions of slime in README file, I have created a text file with the following four lines.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/Deb/slime/slime-2.0/")  ; your SLIME directory
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Deb/clisp/clisp-2.38") ; your Lisp system
(require 'slime)
 [Note: I could not follow the line: Add this to your ~/.emacs file and fill in the appropriate filenames:]
Where do I get ~/.emacs file? And how can I use the above four lines of commands to connect slime to clisp? I have cut the first line and tried to put it at the command line of clisp, but it does not accept. I have typed manually the first aline at the command line of clisp. It does not work (error: UNDEFINED FUNCTION ADD-TO-LIST). Where as, it accepts the second line.
May I request you where am I going wrong? What's the best way of doing it?
I am looking forward for your response.

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