Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
I haven't looked hard, but I couldn't find equivalents for :processes (list all processes), :signal (send a signal to process), :sh (run shell command), and :kill.
see slime-list-threads. it doesn't allow you to send arbitrary signals to a thread, but you can kill it attach a repl to a thread or open a debugger in a thread. what should :sh return? of course, i'd just tell you to use eshell, but i'm not that much of an emacs fascist yet.
I also use the :cd <dir>, :pwd, :ld, and :cl commands all the time in Allegro and sbcl, and they have almost become second nature.
there are slime shortcuts for all of those, except :pwd, but for that you can just do M-x pwd anyway. speaking of which, there are two things i'd like to make customizable: 1) that damn animation when slime loads up and 2) the pwd in the repl header bar (or whatever that line is called). any problems with this? what should the customizable vars for controlling this be called? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen