14 Oct
14 Oct
9:17 p.m.
Hi there, Is there a way to force C-x C-e (slime-eval-last-expression) to evaluate things inside a certain package when there is no (in-package ...) form in the current buffer? Sebastian P.S. Just noticed a mistake in the manual (for version 1.2): (info "(slime)Key bindings") reads: "Alternatively, if you want to assign or change a key binding in just a particular slime mode, you can use the `global-set-key' function in your `~/.emacs' file like this: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (define-key slime-repl-mode-map (kbd "C-c ;") 'slime-insert-balanced-comments)" -- Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness. http://home.gna.org/eap