I promise to crawl back into my cave shortly... CMUCL 20a is barfing in swank-arglists when starting up SLIME from fasls. It loads fine on the initial compile pass but when it's just loading the swank-arglists fasl, it gets confused somewhere in here (contrib/swank-arglists.lisp): (in-package :swank) ... (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +lambda-list-keywords+ '(&provided &required &optional &rest &key &any))) (defmacro do-decoded-arglist (decoded-arglist &body clauses) (assert (loop for clause in clauses thereis (member (car clause) +lambda-list-keywords+))) (flet ((parse-clauses (clauses) (let* ((size (load-time-value (length +lambda-list-keywords+))) At first, I assumed this was some sort of bug in CMUCL having to do with package interning and (load-time-value...) although now that I've read the HyperSpec on (load-time-value...) that's less clear. The CLHS says that (l-t-v...) is evaluated in a "null lexical environment" which the glossary says is, "the lexical environment which has no bindings." And since the current package is bound to *package* what CMUCL is doing would seem to be correct. As an experiment, I tried adding explicit package qualification to all of the references to +lambda-list-keywords+ and CMUCL still signals the same error. In other words, CMUCL goes out of it's way to lose the package specifier in (l-t-v...). And yet this code is working in SBCL and Clozure... Can anyone explain what's broken where any maybe suggest a workaround or a fix? I'll be happy to go report this to CMUCL if need be. Thanks! Error in KERNEL::UNBOUND-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the variable SWANK:: +LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS+ is unbound. [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of #P"/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/ 2009-11-03/cmu-20a_(20a_uni...". 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Backtrace: 0: ("Load Time Value of (LENGTH +LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS+)")[:TOP-LEVEL] 1: (LISP::FOP-FUNCALL) 2: (LISP::LOAD-GROUP #<Stream for file "/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/ 2009-11-03/cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)-darwin-x86/contrib/swank- arglists.sse2f">) 3: (LISP::FASLOAD #<Stream for file "/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/ 2009-11-03/cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)-darwin-x86/contrib/swank- arglists.sse2f">) 4: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #P"/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/2009-11-03/ cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)-darwin-x86/contrib/swank-arglists.sse2f" ..) 5: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #P"/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/2009-11-03/ cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)-darwin-x86/contrib/swank-arglists.sse2f" ..) 6: (LOAD #P"/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/2009-11-03/cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)- darwin-x86/contrib/swank-arglists.sse2f" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT ...) 7: (REQUIRE :SWANK-ARGLISTS #P"/Users/ddp/.slime/fasl/2009-11-03/ cmu-20a_(20a_unicode)-darwin-x86/contrib/swank-arglists.sse2f") 8: (SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE (:SWANK-ASDF :SWANK-PACKAGE-FU :SWANK- FUZZY :SWANK-FANCY-INSPECTOR :SWANK-ARGLISTS) NIL) 9: (SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE '(:SWANK-ASDF :SWANK- PACKAGE-FU :SWANK-FUZZY :SWANK-FANCY-INSPECTOR :SWANK-ARGLISTS)) "COMMON-LISP-USER" 2) 10: (SWANK::PROCESS-REQUESTS T) 11: ("DEFUN HANDLE-REQUESTS") 12: ("DEFINTERFACE CALL-WITH-DEBUGGER-HOOK" #<Function SWANK:SWANK- DEBUGGER-HOOK {485FF171}> #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN HANDLE- REQUESTS" {489407B9}>) 13: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS NIL #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN CALL-WITH-CONNECTION" {48940819}>) 14: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-CONNECTION #<SWANK::CONNECTION {488D454D}> #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN HANDLE-REQUESTS" {489407B9}>) 15: (SWANK::HANDLE-REQUESTS #<SWANK::CONNECTION {488D454D}> T) 16: (SWANK::INVOKE-OR-QUEUE-INTERRUPT #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN PROCESS-IO-INTERRUPT" {48940251}>) 17: (SWANK::PROCESS-IO-INTERRUPT #<SWANK::CONNECTION {488D454D}>) 18: (SWANK-BACKEND::SIGIO-HANDLER #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg>) 19: ("OnLispStack+#x2F [#xB568] /usr/local/bin/lisp") 20: ("funcall3+#x32 [#xB362] /usr/local/bin/lisp") 21: ("interrupt_handle_now+#x105 [#x7145] /usr/local/bin/lisp") 22: ("_sigtramp+#x2B [#x90ABFB9B] /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib") 23: ("Foreign function call land") 24: (LISP::SUB-SERVE-EVENT 1 0) 25: (SYSTEM:WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE 0 :INPUT NIL) 26: (LISP::DO-INPUT #<Stream for Standard Input>) 27: ("PRECOMPILE-EF-SLOT ISO8859-1" #<Stream for Standard Input> NIL (LISP::*EOF*)) 28: (LISP::SYNONYM-IN #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*> NIL (LISP::*EOF*)) 29: (LISP::TWO-WAY-IN #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (LISP::*EOF*)) 30: (READ-CHAR #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (LISP::*EOF*) NIL) 31: (LISP::READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE-INTERNAL #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (:EOF) T) 32: (LISP::READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE-INTERNAL #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (:EOF) NIL) 33: (LISP::READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE-INTERNAL 4 #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (:EOF) ...)[:EXTERNAL] 34: (LISP::READ-INTERNAL #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (:EOF) NIL) 35: (READ #<Two-Way Stream, Input = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDIN*>, Output = #<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*STDOUT*>> NIL (:EOF) NIL) 36: (LISP::%TOP-LEVEL) 37: ((LABELS LISP::RESTART-LISP SAVE-LISP))