On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:41:51 -0600, Bill_Clementson@peoplesoft.com wrote:
The function appears to be in GNU Emacs 21.3.5 but not in 21.3.1
Ah, OK. Is that a version from CVS? I actually wanted to try a CVS Emacs anyway because it looks like they made some improvements to lisp-mode after the 21.3 release. <nitpick> But of course SLIME shouldn't use this function as long as it is advertised as being usable on GNU Emacs 20... :) </nitpick>
3. Is there a specific reason that RET isn't bound to newline-and-indent (or something similar) as in ILISP but only to C-j?
This bugged me too. I manually put the following in my .emacs file: (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (slime-mode t) (define-key lisp-mode-map [(control j)] 'newline) (define-key lisp-mode-map [(control m)] 'newline-and-indent) etc....))
However, I agree that it should probably be the default.
Yes, I've also put similar code in my .emacs but I usually prefer to make as few modifications as possible in order to make it easier to upgrade and/or use Emacsen on other machines.
If you like slime-space, you should try adding (slime-autodoc-mode) to your .emacs file. It shows the same info as slime-space does for whatever function your cursor is currently over.
Just did it. Cool! Cheers, Edi.