Hi, a few month ago, I tried out slime-1.0 with either Emacs-20.7 on MS-Windows or some other Emacs on Suse Linux 8.0/1, and enjoyed the single keystroke step mode with clisp. I.e., where normally one would type step#\Return or next#\return, a single s or n sufficed: stepping became enjoyable. Now I installed slime-1.2.1 on a Debian box and even looked at slime-cvs?tag=FAIRLY-STABLE and silme-cvs?HEAD from a couple of days ago, and found nothing like this much appreciated functionality anymore. Did I dream that whole story while awake? I just started again Emacs-20.7 with the slime-1.0 there on the MS-Windows box and got no single keystroke stepping. Invoking CLISP's STEP macro did not make anything special happen in slime or sldb. Invoking (defun foo(n)(if (zerop n) 1(* (progn (break) n) (foo (1- n))))) with (foo 3) caused sldb to open, but hitting s raised the error NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD: When calling #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION SWANK-BACKEND:SLDB-STEP> with arguments (0), no method is applicable. What happened? I'm pretty sure I once experienced single keystroke stepping in CLISP. Does anybody know about that? Thanks for your help, Jörg Höhle