On Aug 19, 2005, at 10:46 PM, bryan o'connor wrote:
;; by registering your implementations, you can choose one by ;; its "short name" when doing C-u M-x slime (slime-register-lisp-implementation "openmcl" "/Users/david/usr/bin/openmcl") (slime-register-lisp-implementation "sbcl" "/Users/david/usr/bin/sbcl")
;; default (setq inferior-lisp-program "openmcl") ; uses registered name above
;; start openmcl with its own inferior-lisp buffer (defun slime-openmcl () (interactive) (slime (slime-find-lisp-implementation "openmcl") "*inferior-lisp-openmcl*"))
;; start sbcl with its own inferior-lisp buffer (defun slime-sbcl () (interactive) (slime (slime-find-lisp-implementation "sbcl") "*inferior-lisp-sbcl*"))
Thanks, Bryan. I searched through the slime.el file before without finding anything. I looked again now that you've offered this solution and see that it is down in the ";;;;; Connection listing" section (circa line 7,628) without comment. This would be nice to have documented.