Joshua Boyd <jdboyd@jdboyd.net> writes:
I'm having trouble getting slime working on my home machine. It worked beatifully at work, but not at home.
First, at home I'm running CMUCL 18e and GNU Emacs 21.2.1 on Irix 6.5.20. I can update to a newer Emacs if need be, but at the moment a newer lisp doesn't appear to be an option. That said, Cliki seems to indicate that 18e is supposed to be supported.
There seems to be a bug in CMUCL's create-inet-listener. You can probably work around if you remove the :host argument in create-socket in swank-cmucl.lisp. There are already a few #+ppc conditionals. The same should work for MIPS. It would, of course, be nicer if someone could actually fix create-inet-listener. It seems to be something simple, like a byte order bug or a wrong constant. Helmut.