Hi, I want to use swank together with the eclipse cusp plugin - so far so good. But when starting swank, I always get this error (from a manual session reproducing the problem) [corni@localhost slime]$ LC_ALL=C sbcl This is SBCL 1.0.21, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. * (load "swank-loader.lisp") T * (swank-loader:init) ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank-backend.fasl" ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank-source-path-parser.fasl" ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank-source-file-cache.fasl" ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank-sbcl.fasl" STYLE-WARNING: redefining EMACS-INSPECT (#<BUILT-IN-CLASS T>) in DEFMETHOD ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank-gray.fasl" STYLE-WARNING: Implicitly creating new generic function STREAM-READ-CHAR-WILL-HANG-P. ; loading #P"/home/corni/.slime/fasl/2009-02-07/sbcl-1.0.21-linux-x86/swank.fasl" WARNING: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: (CALLS-WHO DISASSEMBLE-FRAME SLDB-BREAK-AT-START SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN WHO-SPECIALIZES) NIL * (swank:create-server :port 12345) debugger invoked on a SB-BSD-SOCKETS:SOCKET-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "initial thread" RUNNING {AA1B639}>: Socket error in "bind": 99 (Cannot assign requested address) Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name): 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level. (SB-BSD-SOCKETS:SOCKET-ERROR "bind") 0] I've no idea what's causing this, can you help me? I'm on Linux, moblin (fedora related distro), 32bit. Cornelius