hi, short story: http://common-lisp.net/~mbaringer/slime.torrent (55min; 149mb; quicktime encoded mpeg-4) long story: i got a lot of feedback regarding the ucw movie i made the other day. some of it was ucw related but a lot of it was related to how i used slime and develped lisp code. instead of getting real work done, or going to the park, i made an intro video/showcase for slime. it was supposed to be about 20mins but when i was done i realized i'd talked for almost an hour :). it covers (more or less deeply): installing and setting up slime (remotely) the repl (output recording and shortcuts) sldb (locals, inspect-frame and frame-source) M-. list-callers/list-calles the inspector slime-selector hyperspec lookup emacs commands for editing lisp code fuzzy-completion and slime-autodoc i think that's it (i'm not about to watch it again to make sure...) if it doesn't suck too much i'll announce it to the world. p.s. - one of the not-to-hidden goals was to make something java/perl/python/C coders could watch so they can see what they're missing. if you have suggestions on how to get said coders to watch it i'm all ears. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen