Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
Christian Lynbech <christian.lynbech@ericsson.com> writes:
It may be nice to have a command that manipulates *default-pathname-defaults* but I think that calling it `cd' will confuse at least CMUCL users (for instance, `load' does not takes its notion of CWD from *default-pathname-defaults*).
True, this should be done via backend functions. We already have one for setting the default directory (which sets (ext:default-directory) in CMUCL), we just need a new one for reading it.
Doesn't the function for setting it keep *default-pathname-defaults* in sync with whatever other notion the Lisp may have of the cwd? If not, it probably should. And thus the read-cwd function can simply return *d-p-d*. (Though we might want functions to resync the Lisp's other notion cwd with *d-p-d* or vis versa in case they get out of whack.) -Peter -- Peter Seibel peter@javamonkey.com Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp