"Tobias C. Rittweiler" <tcr@freebits.de> writes:
The clojure backend should parse the input itself, and pass the symbol name over to INTERN.
It sounds like the problem here is that the Clojure Swank backend is parsing forms received using `read', and it's choking on reading symbols that violate its syntax. Can someone confirm that that's the case? If so, it's a shame to not be able to use a Lisp reader to read what look very much like Lisp forms. Studying the Clojure reader documentation¹, there's no mention a symbol escape syntax. As a compromise, would it be possible to have the Swank backend initialize this cursor treatment by /sending/ a symbol to the SLIME client, which the client would have for that session and use instead of the symbol swank::%cursor-marker%? Instead of being a constant, the current slime-cursor-marker could be provided as an argument to `slime-parse-form-upto-point'. Of course, it's possible that the backend could provide a symbol that isn't valid in ELisp, which just turns the problem around. Footnotes: ¹ http://clojure.org/reader -- Steven E. Harris