In a Macintosh Programmer Workshop window: echo Hello Command-RETURN inserts: Hello in the window at the current position. In a Smalltalk Workspace window: 1 + 2 . A-d inserts 3 in the Workspace window at the current position. In an emacs lisp source buffer: (insert "\nHello\n") C-u C-x C-e inserts: Hello nil in the current buffer at the point. In a Common-Lisp source buffer with ilisp: (format t "~&Hello") C-z C-e inserts: Hello NIL in the current buffer at the point. In a Common-Lisp source buffer with slime: (format t "~&Hello") C-x C-e inserts nothing. Hides the result as soon as I type or move the mouse (like for example try to copy-and-paste it from the mini buffer, and I have to manipulate buffers, to reduce the size of my source, to hide it entirely to show the whole output that has been sent in some other buffer. Why so much hatred? I want both the output and the result of the function to be inserted at the point! How can that be done with slime? -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.