I've been forward-porting my ASDF-based swank loader for the last decade. I guess you'll get a PR soon :)

The problem is the pull request you mentioned is that it's one of those $#!@#$-backwards-compatibility sort of change. That sort of mindset yields very rewarding refactoring sessions, to be sure, but annoys everyone else. A PR implementing proper (but optional) loading via ASDF is IMO welcome.

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 10:55 AM Attila Lendvai <attila@lendvai.name> wrote:
[moving this to slime-devel]

> I recently banged my head against something similar. Turns out, mcclim loads
> swank, so be sure to delete .slime/fasl too.

been there... that's why my slime locally uses
asdf:apply-output-translations for a few years now.

slime used to be proudly ASDF free, but maybe that's something to
reconsider, at least with an optional support.

this is what i'm running with (which i don't recommend for inclusion
in this form):

(defun binary-pathname (src-pathname binary-dir)
  "Return the pathname where SRC-PATHNAME's binary should be compiled."
+  (declare (ignore binary-dir))
+  #+asdf
+  (asdf:apply-output-translations src-pathname)
+  #-asdf
  (let ((cfp (compile-file-pathname src-pathname)))
    (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (pathname-name cfp)
                                    :type (pathname-type cfp)))))

but if the maintainers are open for this direction, then i may look
into packaging up and testing a PR for integrating ASDF properly, and

and not forgetting this either: https://github.com/slime/slime/pull/282/

currently swank can break in funny ways when used together with ASDF.
e.g. :depends-on (:swank) can be a source of great bafflement when it
reloads swank and undo's half of the contrib's, leaving some stuff
crippled. and the .slime/fasl dir can also bite you when you thought
you have deleted the fasl's, except one outlier.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
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truth that each student must find for himself. A good teacher is
merely a catalyst.”
— Bruce Lee (1940–1973)

Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.