,--- You/Stas (Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:05:10 +0400) ----* | Alex Goncharov <alex-goncharov@comcast.net> writes: | > ,--- You/Stas (Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:56:03 +0400) ----* | > | Are menus empty when you're not compiling Slime? | > Can you please clarify your question? | Are they empty when .el files of Slime are compiled with the emacs byte | compiler? I always compile SLIME's .el files with Emacs byte compiler. But let's check: ------------------------------ ls -lrt *.el *.elc | sed 's/\([^[:space:]]*[[:space:]]*\)\{3\}[^[:space:]]*//' => 1248 Jun 15 2009 slime-autoloads.el 75309 Mar 1 12:46 hyperspec.el 346965 Apr 15 10:43 slime.el 393873 Apr 15 10:44 slime.elc emacs & ;; slime-mode => Menus: Up to Tools -- full Lisp -- empty Presentation -- empty SLIME -- empty Help -- full ---------------------------------------- -- Alex -- alex-goncharov@comcast.net --