I'd like to be able to set the location of the *.fasl files that are ending up in ~/.slime/fasl/..., preferably from my .emacs.
here's what we use. this way swank stores its fasl's where asdf does (so, if you have asdf-binary-location set up, then slime will store its fasl's accordingly): (defun load-swank () (let ((*package* (find-package :hu.dwim.asdf))) (format *debug-io* "; Loading swank...~%") (load (system-relative-pathname :swank "swank-loader.lisp")) (format *debug-io* "; Setting up swank...~%") (eval (read-from-string "(progn (setf swank-loader:*fasl-directory* (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory `(:relative \"slime\" ,@(list (swank-loader::slime-version-string)))) (first (asdf::output-files-using-mappings \"\" (list (system-relative-pathname :swank \"\")) ())))) (swank-loader:init))")) #+sbcl (unless (find-symbol "SWANK-PROFILE-GET-CALL-GRAPH" (find-package "SWANK-BACKEND")) (format *debug-io* "; Loading up swank-sprof...~%") (load (merge-pathnames "hu.dwim.environment/source/swank-sprof.lisp" *workspace-directory*))) (eval (read-from-string "(setf swank:*globally-redirect-io* t)")))) hth, -- attila