On the call stack compile-file swank-require Undefined function COMPILE-FILE called with arguments (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" :ONLY-PATH T). [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION] Restarts: 0: [RETRY] Try invoking COMPILE-FILE again. 1: [NIL] Return some values from the call to COMPILE-FILE. 2: [USE-VALUE] Try invoking something other than COMPILE-FILE with the same arguments. 3: [STORE-VALUE] Set the symbol-function of COMPILE-FILE to another function. 4: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 5: [ABORT] Quit process. Backtrace: 0: CONDITIONS::CONDITIONS-ERROR (:INVISIBLEP T #<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION 200F059B> NIL) 1: ERROR (#<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION 200F059B> &REST NIL) 2: CONDITIONS::UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-FUNCTION-INTERNAL-COMMON (:INVISIBLEP T COMPILE-FILE (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" :ONLY.. 3: COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" &REST NIL &KEY NIL "<&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS>") 4: SWANK::MODULE-CANDITATES ("swank-indentation-fu" #P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/") 5: (SUBFUNCTION 1 SWANK::FIND-MODULE) (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/") 6: SYSTEM::EVERY-OR-SOME (#<Closure 1 subfunction of SWANK::FIND-MODULE 33FEA12> (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/" #P"c:/prog/lisp/libraries/slime.. 7: SOME (#<Closure 1 subfunction of SWANK::FIND-MODULE 33FEA12> (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/" #P"c:/prog/lisp/libraries/slime/contrib/") &REST.. 8: SWANK::FIND-MODULE (:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU) 9: SWANK::MODULE-FILENAME (:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU) 10: SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE ((:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU :SWANK-ASDF) &OPTIONAL NIL) 11: SYSTEM::%INVOKE NIL 12: SYSTEM::%EVAL ((SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE (QUOTE (:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU :SWANK-ASDF)))) 13: EVAL ((SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE (QUOTE (:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU :SWANK-ASDF)))) 14: SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS ((SWANK:SWANK-REQUIRE (QUOTE (:SWANK-INDENTATION-FU :SWANK-ASDF))) "COMMON-LISP-USER" 2) 15: (SUBFUNCTION 1 SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD) NIL 16: (SUBFUNCTION 1 (TOP-LEVEL-FORM 44)) (#<Function SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK 229D98E2> #<Function 1 subfunction of SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD 22A4D432>) 17: SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS (NIL #<Closure 3 subfunction of SWANK::CALL-WITH-CONNECTION 200ACDD2>) 18: SWANK::CALL-WITH-CONNECTION (#<SWANK::CONNECTION 22EA702F> #<Function 1 subfunction of SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD 22A4D432>) 19: SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS (NIL #<Closure 1 subfunction of SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD 200AD28A>) 20: MP::PROCESS-SG-FUNCTION (0 NIL NIL) 21: SYSTEM::%%FIRST-CALL-TO-STACK NIL Helmut Eller wrote:
* Matt Lamari [2010-02-13 18:20+0100] writes:
Lispworks. It contains compile-file; but the delivered EXEs it produces do not (this is by design). Slime has to connect to a delivered EXE in my situation.
It seems *intended* to compile if the source is newer than the FASL file. But due to the problem I see, it is rebuilding elements that I know have already been compiled in from latest.
The ability to use compile-file at runtime would be sufficient to mask the problem. Indeed, the logic I mentioned could be broken completely (to recompile everything every time) and most users wouldn't notice it.
The loader (swank-loader.lisp) may call compile-file if the source is newer or the fasl file doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure that that part isn't broken, otherwise SBCL would start noticeably slower.
swank-require doesn't call compile-file. It loads the source if the fasl file doesn't exist. (I think that we can exclude the possibility that cl:require calls compile-file for Lispworks.)
Maybe some file/directory names aren't set correctly for the EXE version, but it's hard to say without a more concrete error description.
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