Den 18/6-2004, kl. 15.58, skrev Luke Gorrie:
Which Lisp versions do you use SLIME with? The latest packaged version of OpenMCL: OpenMCL Version (Beta: Darwin) 0.14.2-p1
Which Emacs versions? A CVS snapshot from a couple of months ago: GNU Emacs (powerpc-apple-darwin7.2.0) of 2004-01-25 on dandytiger.local
How well does SLIME work for you? I have only begun to scratch the surface of it yet, but it works very well for me. I can see that some of the functionality isn't available in the OpenMCL backend, which might be a problem when/if I get to write anything bigger; especially the WHO-* functions.
What bugs (reproducible or otherwise) or missing features annoy you? As above, nothing at the moment, but I can see that the missing functions in the OpenMCL backend might be useful in bigger projects.
Is there some packaging system (e.g. Debian) that you would like to see SLIME 1.0 bundled with? If so, do you know how to coordinate this? I'm using Darwin Ports as my package manager but CVS is working fine for me, really.
If you said anything negative above then please say something nice here to make us feel good: Lisp is by far the most efficient and fun programming language I have used and SLIME somehow makes it even more fun. It gives some of the explorability found in Smalltalk environments to command line Lisp implementations.
Regards Jens