slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-map (keymap (93 . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (91 . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (41 . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (40 . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (space . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (return . slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (19 lambda nil (interactive) (select-window (get-buffer-window ...)) (call-interactively (quote isearch-forward))) (down . slime-fuzzy-next) (14 . slime-fuzzy-next) (up . slime-fuzzy-prev) (16 . slime-fuzzy-prev) ...)
slime-fuzzy-completions-map (keymap (space . slime-fuzzy-select) (return . slime-fuzzy-select) (mouse-2 . slime-fuzzy-select/mouse) (tab . slime-fuzzy-select) (127 . scroll-down) (112 . slime-fuzzy-prev) (27 keymap (112 . slime-fuzzy-prev) (110 . slime-fuzzy-next)) (110 . slime-fuzzy-next) (down . slime-fuzzy-next) (14 . slime-fuzzy-next) (up . slime-fuzzy-prev) ...)
not that i have that much experience with keymaps, but these maps look good. With this patch things seem to come back to where they were, that is
with completion-in-place arrow keys work, but return, space etc do what they were doing without selecting a completion.
from this i suspect that maybe there's something xemacs specific in slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer or in slime-fuzzy-select. can you select a completion in any way at all? i mean by pressing enter/space in the selection buffer? Sorry for the lack of information, but I'm on a really unfamiliar ground
with debugging keymaps.
no worries, thanks for the help! -- - attila "- The truth is that I've been too considerate, and so became unintentionally cruel... - I understand. - No, you don't understand! We don't speak the same language!" (Ingmar Bergman - Smultronstället)