The "slime-handle-indentation-update" in slime.el contains a "when". The "slime-handle-indentation-update" in slime-indentation.el, which I assume overrides it, does not contain a "when". Stas Boukarev wrote:
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Matt Lamari <matt.lamari@gmail.com> wrote:
This comes to a head with a lisp library defining a macro "defmethod" in another package that wrecks its indentation.
I would like to set a default.
The docs say to set a default (that won't be overridden) by setting `common-lisp-indent-function property on the symbol.
The function slime-handle-indentation-update in slime-indentation.el claims the same in its doc string. It just doesn't actually contain the logic to do so (no "if" that will prevent the override of indentation data if there is a user default - no check on the existing properties at all)
It does contain "when".
Is this the case or am I using it wrong?
It's unclear how you are using it.