* Tobias C. Rittweiler [2008-08-19 11:10+0200] writes:
I have no luck at customizing this through the variables described in `(elisp)Choosing Window'.
Hmm, I had the same problem. First I implemented focus switching manually; upgraded Emacs from CVS; dropped the focus switching code and everything seemed to work. But now it doesn't.
And I begin to doubt that these variables are even meant to let you customize it. They're to customize the way buffers are _displayed_, but what slime-switch-to-output-buffer does it more, it's also about setting the input focus, and selecting the window if appropriate.
Well, the docstring of pop-to-buffer says explicitly that it uses display-buffer. So every variable that is meant for display-buffer is also usable for pop-to-buffer. pop-to-buffer is just (select-window (display-buffer ...)). The question is why select-window doesn't switch the input focus. Obviously (form the source), select-window calls select-frame. But select-frame doesn't seem to switch the focus. It looks kinda strange, or at least unusual to select a frame without switching focus. Maybe it's intended for things like read-from-minibuffer.
What I did a few days ago was to make this behaviour also happen when having two frames side-by-side, some window in the left frame displaying the REPL, the right frame displaying .lisp buffers. So I regarded my work as improving consistency.
But we shouldn't ignore or reinvent standard customization variables.
What I want is the following behaviour:
(let ((repl-window (get-buffer-window repl-buffer t))) (if repl-window (progn (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame repl-window)) (select-window repl-window)) (pop-to-buffer repl-buffer t)))
If pop-to-buffer can't be used directly, I rather want: (let ((window (display-buffer repl-buffer))) (select-window window) (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window))) In fact, I think pop-to-buffer should do that.
Setting display-buffer-reuse-frames to t results in C-c C-z being a NOP because the REPL window is already displayed in a frame, but the window within that frame isn't selected and input focus isn't updated accordingly.
It's not quite a NOP for me: if I hide one frame behind the other, C-c C-z brings the hidden frame in front. It still isn't selected, though.
Help greatly appreciated,
Maybe we just should ask the Emacs maintainers why pop-to-buffer doesn't what we expect. Helmut.