Marco Antoniotti writes:
Try LW for a while with this feature and you will not find yourself confused that much. Remember that very many people fined "parentheses" confusing.
Well, I've been using LW daily for over 5 years. I've never heard of this function, and I'd find it insanely confusing.
Basically, this sort of thing is almost always a bad idea because: * newbies will have to learn the proper way at some point anyway, so you're in fact not helping them, you're harming them
* an environment is created in which experienced programmers can get confused, i.e. you've in fact made the system more complex by confusing its (once clear) semantics for trivial syntactic gain
* everyone should learn to just bind the `[' key to insert-delimited-parenthesis anyhow.
If this ever gets into SLIME -- PLEASE make sure there's a way to turn this off!