Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
Peter Seibel <peter@javamonkey.com> writes:
And more. I guess I hadn't loaded the definitions that time (though I thought I had). So I restarted emacs and SLIME *and* slime-compile'd the files containing the macros and I was back to uses of once-only indenting correctly while uses of with-gensyms are incorrectly indented. Sorry for all the confusion--i.e. welcome to my world.
I knew it. Changing the indentation is problematic.
This is caused by the new cl-indent.el file. The modified indent function disables the "with-*" thing by default, so with-gensyms is indented like a function call. If you load the macro definition, Lisp will tell Emacs that once-only and with-gensyms are macros and how to indent them. You probably have slime-conservative-indentation=t, so that SLIME ignores the indent hint for with-gensyms. Setting it to nil should help here.
Yes. That seems to fix my problem. So when slime-conservative-indentation is T it doesn't use any information from Common Lisp? And since you disabled the with-* heuristic it doesn't get it right just using elisp? But then why did once-only get indented correctly?
We still have the problem that the macro definition must be loaded on the Lisp side before it is indented correctly. Perhaps the "with-*" heuristic wasn't that bad after all.
Well. I'm actually quite okay with requiring that Lisp know about macros in order for them to be indented as long as they get indented correctly based on the lambda list. In fact, when I originally proposed forking cl-indent.el it was with an eye toward getting rid of kludges like the with-* heuristic in favor of letting Common Lisp tell us how things should be indented. Though if you go down that path we'll probably diverge enough from the standard Emacs cl-indent.el that the issue of sending them patches will become moot. (I'm also interested in seeing if there's some simplification of cl-indent.el to be had by abandoning backwards compatibility--there are a ton of comments in there about things that are done only for backwards compatibility. So, my points are these: - SLIME is going to get blamed for bad indentation by non-emacs-wizard users, even it it's really being handled by emacs so we might as well control our own destiny. - cl-indent.el looks like a mess. (I.e. I can barely understand it every time I look at it) Some of that is no doubt due to the inherent complexity of the problem. Some is due to the difficulty of solving the problem purely in emacs. And some is due to historical cruft. By moving to a slime-indent.el we have a chance to get rid of the second and third categories of complexity. - Someday I'm going to write (unless someone beats me to it) a LOOP indenter that works the way I want. But I'd rather implement it in Common Lisp so I need an indentation mode that knows how to talk to Common Lisp. In other words, I'm much more interested in having an indentation mode that I can a) understand, b) extend/customize with Common Lisp code rather than more crufty elisp than I am in fixing emacs out-of-the box indentation. But that's just me and until I have time to actually cut code I'm just babbling. -Peter -- Peter Seibel peter@javamonkey.com Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp