"Marco Baringer" <mb@bese.it> writes:
suggestions? the only thing i can think of is a refactoring of the inspector part of swank.lisp into a general inspector file, one file defining the swank-mop package for each lisp and one file redefining inspector methods for each lisp, but this just feels wrong.
The default method for inspected-parts doesn't look very complicated and could be defined in swank-backend. It could also be useful to add a "mode" argument to inspected-parts. E.g., CLOS objects are often implemented with structures. One mode could display the high level view of the object with slots and such, and the other mode the implementation details with structures. The modes could also be organized in some hierarchy, so that a backend can define the more specialized method, e.g. for hashtables, by defining a method with a more specialized mode than the method in swank.lisp. Helmut.