* Anton Kovalenko [2010-08-20 11:30] writes:
This asynchronous mode seems complicated. Saving the image doesn't take that long to justify a complicated interface.
It depends on the image size. On my AMD x86-64, it takes 200Mb of the core to dump MCCLIM(+examples), climacs and closure. Rollback/restart (especially to the last loaded core) takes "no time at all" (visually), while dumping may take 20-30 seconds.
6-10 MB per second seems slow. Hmm.. I guess slow is the SBCL way :-) [...]
Keeping fully asynchronous implementation for SBCL has one more major advantage: with #+(and sbcl unix) timers, I may schedule periodic background checkpoints in SBCL; it works without initiating anything from emacs, but still reports to emacs about successful dumps. *This* use case gets significantly more complicated if we prefer synchronous (serve-event) while waiting for the child process completion.
OK, that sounds somewhat useful. I committed it with some minor modifications. Helmut