Juho Snellman <jsnell@iki.fi> writes:
I find the "community's version" to be a rather curious concept.
Why? Since it's mixed GPL / public domain, each of us can have a personal copy. A canonical version is, by agreement and to ease collaborative development, kept in a CVS repository on common-lisp.net. I'm calling this the "community's version" -- you can call it whatever you want, but that's all I mean by the phrase. If we had some sort of distributed version control, maybe there would be no "community's version" at all. Maybe I should call it a "reference," "common," or "baseline" version instead to be more precise. Those who contribute more (i.e. not me) have more say in how the project evolves, but I don't claim some sort of ownership over the particular lines I've contributed, and I don't think that's the way things work in other projects, either.
If anyone has a moral ownership of Slime, it's Helmut, who has contributed by far the most to it.
Sorry, but (IMHO) no one has "moral ownership." You contribute code, you give up exclusive ownership. /s