Helmut Eller <eller.helmut@gmail.com> writes:
On Mon, Oct 06 2014, Charlie Andrews wrote:
I am working on the recently released lisp implementation clasp (https://github.com/drmeister/clasp), and I would like to get it working in slime. I am wondering if there is a general purpose document for adding support for slime to a new implementation out there some where? If not, where is a good place to begin?
Basically you need to implement the functions that are described in swank/backend.lisp. Not all are needed. To begin, create a file like swank/clasp.lisp and add it to swank-loader.lisp. Start it with "make run-swank" or something similar in an a shell outside of Emacs. Then use M-x slime-connect from Emacs. You will then run into undefined functions that you need to implement.
Just to add to this: the moment that you can use it to develop itself is a rather nice moment -- so getting the bare minimum up and running as quickly as possible is a nice way to go. If I remember rightly, getting slime-eval-region working made a big difference when I was developing a backend for R, and so did getting sldb (not least because R's native debugger is horrible...). Best wishes, Christophe