[some mistakes here] * I wrote | (defun my-setup-comint-truncation () | (make-variable-buffer-local 'comint-buffer-maximum-size) | (make-variable-buffer-local 'comint-output-filter-functions) | (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions | 'comint-truncate-buffer)) [...] | [Note regarding `my-setup-comint-truncation', the variables are | explicitly made buffer local in so that your other comint buffers are | not affected. Also the default value of comint-buffer-maximum-size is | 1024, and this may be set in that function.] This probably isn't the best way to do it, also the docs say:
Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local. Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument.
So For Emacs 21+: (defun my-setup-comint-truncation () (make-variable-local 'comint-buffer-maximum-size) (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-truncate-buffer nil t)) Otherwise, one has to use (make-local-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions) -- Madhu