On Fri, 15 Aug 2008, Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
If the *inferior-lisp* process is still running, and you do `M-x slime' then SLIME usually asks: "Create an additional *inferior-lisp*? (y or n)" If you answer yes, the same Lisp process opens a new server socket and lets Emacs reconnect. There are some bugs, it seems to work for the first connection but not for multiple concurrent connections.
`M-x slime n' sometimes work, but mostly doesn't. I managed to re-produce the case and copied the emacs backtrace. (See the bottom.) I tried nearly 15-20 times, and all resulted with the same error. I'll be really appreciated if you can help me to fix this.
Adding a fixed port number to slime-lisp-implementations would be easy but not very useful. I guess we could add something like `C-u PORT-NUMBER M-x slime', but I doubt that enough people need that to justify the added complexity for `M-x slime'.
It would be awesome if you can at least have a special variable for this. Regards. Debugger entered: (("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp<1>> nil 7) (file-error "make client process failed" "connection refused" :name "SLIME Lisp" :buffer nil :host "" :service 39076))) (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...))) slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp<1>> nil 7) apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp<1>> nil 7)) byte-code("��H�H\"�" [timer apply 5 6] 4) timer-event-handler([t 18604 19209 832477 nil slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp<1>> nil 7) nil]) recursive-edit() byte-code("�. @�=�!.���\"���!�.A@)��=�!.���\"��!�� �� !�\f�c.�ed\".V�W.eb��.�y�`.db��.�.Zy�.`|�)�c�eb���� \"�� ���!���..��!��� �+ه" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4) debug(nil ("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) (file-error "make client process failed" "connection refused" :name "SLIME Lisp" :buffer nil :host "" :service 51602))) (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...))) slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2)) byte-code("��H�H\"�" [timer apply 5 6] 4) timer-event-handler([t 18604 19107 410339 nil slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) nil]) recursive-edit() byte-code("�. @�=�!.���\"���!�.A@)��=�!.���\"��!�� �� !�\f�c.�ed\".V�W.eb��.�y�`.db��.�.Zy�.`|�)�c�eb���� \"�� ���!���..��!��� �+ه" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4) debug(nil ("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) (file-error "writing to process" "connection reset by peer" #<process SLIME Lisp>))) (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...))) slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2)) byte-code("��H�H\"�" [timer apply 5 6] 4) timer-event-handler([t 18604 19087 627539 nil slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) nil]) recursive-edit() (progn (message "Entering recursive edit..") (recursive-edit)) (if (and slime-stack-eval-tags) (progn (message "Entering recursive edit..") (recursive-edit))) (when (and slime-stack-eval-tags) (message "Entering recursive edit..") (recursive-edit)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (sldb-get-buffer thread)) (unless (equal sldb-level level) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (sldb-mode) (unless sldb-saved-window-configuration ...) (setq slime-current-thread thread) (setq sldb-level level) (setq mode-name ...) (setq sldb-condition condition) (setq sldb-restarts restarts) (setq sldb-continuations conts) (sldb-insert-condition condition) (insert "\n\n" ... "\n") (sldb-insert-restarts restarts) (insert "\n" ... "\n") (setq sldb-backtrace-start-marker ...) (save-excursion ...) (run-hooks ...)) (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (sldb-recenter-region (point-min) (point)) (setq buffer-read-only t) (when (and slime-stack-eval-tags) (message "Entering recursive edit..") (recursive-edit))) (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-buffer thread) (unless (equal sldb-level level) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (sldb-mode) (unless sldb-saved-window-configuration ...) (setq slime-current-thread thread) (setq sldb-level level) (setq mode-name ...) (setq sldb-condition condition) (setq sldb-restarts restarts) (setq sldb-continuations conts) (sldb-insert-condition condition) (insert "\n\n" ... "\n") (sldb-insert-restarts restarts) (insert "\n" ... "\n") (setq sldb-backtrace-start-marker ...) (save-excursion ...) (run-hooks ...)) (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (sldb-recenter-region (point-min) (point)) (setq buffer-read-only t) (when (and slime-stack-eval-tags) (message "Entering recursive edit..") (recursive-edit))) sldb-setup(1 1 (#("The function MAKE-LOCK is undefined." 0 36 (face sldb-topline-face)) #(" [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]" 0 41 (face sldb-condition-face)) nil) ((#("DEFAULT-DEBUGGER" 0 16 ...) #("Use default debugger." 0 21 ...)) (#("ABORT" 0 5 ...) #("Abort SLIME compilation." 0 24 ...)) (#("ABORT" 0 5 ...) #("Return to SLIME's top level." 0 28 ...)) (#("TERMINATE-THREAD" 0 16 ...) #("Terminate this thread (#<THREAD \"worker\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}>)" 0 63 ...))) ((0 #("(\"bogus stack frame\")" 0 21 ...)) (1 #("(SB-FASL::FOP-FUNCALL-FOR-EFFECT)" 0 33 ...)) (2 #("(SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}>)" 0 91 ...)) (3 #("((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))" 0 45 ...)) (4 #("((FLET #:WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-[CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK]508))" 0 64 ...)) (5 #("(SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK #<CLOSURE (FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK) {2B6EAA186DE9}> #S(SB-THREAD:MUTEX :NAME \"big compiler lock\" :%OWNER #<SB-THREAD:THREAD \"worker\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}> :STATE 1))" 0 220 ...)) (6 #("(SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)" 0 116 ...)) (7 #("((FLET SB-FASL::LOAD-STREAM) #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}>)" 0 94 ...)) (8 #("(LOAD #P\"/tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\")[:EXTERNAL]" 0 42 ...)) (9 #("((LAMBDA (STRING &KEY SWANK-BACKEND::BUFFER POSITION DIRECTORY DEBUG)) \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" :BUFFER \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" :POSITION 144 :DIRECTORY \"/tmp/\" :DEBUG NIL)" 0 458 ...)) (10 #("((LAMBDA NIL))" 0 14 ...)) (11 "(SWANK::MEASURE-TIME-INTERVAL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)") (12 "(SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)") (13 "(SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX NIL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {10031590B9}>)") (14 "(SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" NIL)") (15 "(SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" (QUOTE NIL)) #<NULL-LEXENV>)") (16 "(SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" (QUOTE NIL)) \":test\" 7)") (17 "(SWANK::PROCESS-REQUESTS NIL T)") (18 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (19 "((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::HOOK SWANK-BACKEND::FUN)) #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003148FB9}>)")) (7)) slime-dispatch-event((:debug 1 1 (#("The function MAKE-LOCK is undefined." 0 36 ...) #(" [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]" 0 41 ...) nil) ((#("DEFAULT-DEBUGGER" 0 16 ...) #("Use default debugger." 0 21 ...)) (#("ABORT" 0 5 ...) #("Abort SLIME compilation." 0 24 ...)) (#("ABORT" 0 5 ...) #("Return to SLIME's top level." 0 28 ...)) (#("TERMINATE-THREAD" 0 16 ...) #("Terminate this thread (#<THREAD \"worker\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}>)" 0 63 ...))) ((0 #("(\"bogus stack frame\")" 0 21 ...)) (1 #("(SB-FASL::FOP-FUNCALL-FOR-EFFECT)" 0 33 ...)) (2 #("(SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}>)" 0 91 ...)) (3 #("((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))" 0 45 ...)) (4 #("((FLET #:WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-[CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK]508))" 0 64 ...)) (5 #("(SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK #<CLOSURE (FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK) {2B6EAA186DE9}> #S(SB-THREAD:MUTEX :NAME \"big compiler lock\" :%OWNER #<SB-THREAD:THREAD \"worker\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}> :STATE 1))" 0 220 ...)) (6 #("(SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)" 0 116 ...)) (7 #("((FLET SB-FASL::LOAD-STREAM) #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\" {1003286831}>)" 0 94 ...)) (8 #("(LOAD #P\"/tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\")[:EXTERNAL]" 0 42 ...)) (9 #("((LAMBDA (STRING &KEY SWANK-BACKEND::BUFFER POSITION DIRECTORY DEBUG)) \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" :BUFFER \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" :POSITION 144 :DIRECTORY \"/tmp/\" :DEBUG NIL)" 0 458 ...)) (10 #("((LAMBDA NIL))" 0 14 ...)) (11 "(SWANK::MEASURE-TIME-INTERVAL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)") (12 "(SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)") (13 "(SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX NIL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {10031590B9}>)") (14 "(SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" NIL)") (15 "(SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" (QUOTE NIL)) #<NULL-LEXENV>)") (16 "(SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\" \"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\" 144 \"/tmp/\" (QUOTE NIL)) \":test\" 7)") (17 "(SWANK::PROCESS-REQUESTS NIL T)") (18 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (19 "((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::HOOK SWANK-BACKEND::FUN)) #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003148FB9}>)")) (7)) #<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "000CFD(:debug 1 1 (\"The function MAKE-LOCK is undefined.\" \" [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]\" nil) ((\"DEFAULT-DEBUGGER\" \"Use default debugger.\") (\"ABORT\" \"Abort SLIME compilation.\") (\"ABORT\" \"Return to SLIME's top level.\") (\"TERMINATE-THREAD\" \"Terminate this thread (#<THREAD \\\"worker\\\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}>)\")) ((0 \"(\\\"bogus stack frame\\\")\") (1 \"(SB-FASL::FOP-FUNCALL-FOR-EFFECT)\") (2 \"(SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \\\"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\\\" {1003286831}>)\") (3 \"((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))\") (4 \"((FLET #:WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-[CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK]508))\") (5 \"(SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK #<CLOSURE (FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK) {2B6EAA186DE9}> #S(SB-THREAD:MUTEX :NAME \\\"big compiler lock\\\" :%OWNER #<SB-THREAD:THREAD \\\"worker\\\" RUNNING {1003156EA1}> :STATE 1))\") (6 \"(SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \\\"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\\\" {1003286831}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)\") (7 \"((FLET SB-FASL::LOAD-STREAM) #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \\\"file /tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\\\" {1003286831}>)\") (8 \"(LOAD #P\\\"/tmp/file0bBNMP.fasl\\\")[:EXTERNAL]\") (9 \"((LAMBDA (STRING &KEY SWANK-BACKEND::BUFFER POSITION DIRECTORY DEBUG)) \\\"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\\\" :BUFFER \\\"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\\\" :POSITION 144 :DIRECTORY \\\"/tmp/\\\" :DEBUG NIL)\") (10 \"((LAMBDA NIL))\") (11 \"(SWANK::MEASURE-TIME-INTERVAL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)\") (12 \"(SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003159109}>)\") (13 \"(SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX NIL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {10031590B9}>)\") (14 \"(SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \\\"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\\\" \\\"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\\\" 144 \\\"/tmp/\\\" NIL)\") (15 \"(SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \\\"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\\\" \\\"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\\\" 144 \\\"/tmp/\\\" (QUOTE NIL)) #<NULL-LEXENV>)\") (16 \"(SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:COMPILE-STRING-FOR-EMACS \\\"(let ((generator-lock (make-lock))\n (generator-counter 0))\n (defun generator-proc ()\n (with-lock-held (generator-lock)\n (loop for counter = (incf generator-counter)\n when (zerop (1- (mod (expt 2 (1- counter)) counter)))\n do (return-from generator-proc counter)))))\n\\\" \\\"sbcl-thread-profile-bug.lisp\\\" 144 \\\"/tmp/\\\" (QUOTE NIL)) \\\":test\\\" 7)\") (17 \"(SWANK::PROCESS-REQUESTS NIL T)\") (18 \"((LAMBDA NIL))\") (19 \"((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::HOOK SWANK-BACKEND::FUN)) #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {1003148FB9}>)\")) (7))000019(:debug-activate 1 1 nil)") recursive-edit() byte-code("�. @�=�!.���\"���!�.A@)��=�!.���\"��!�� �� !�\f�c.�ed\".V�W.eb��.�y�`.db��.�.Zy�.`|�)�c�eb���� \"�� ���!���..��!��� �+ه" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4) debug(t) * (unless (eq (process-status conn) (quote open)) (error "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly")) (while t (unless (eq ... ...) (error "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly")) (slime-accept-process-output nil 0.01)) (let ((debug-on-quit t) (inhibit-quit nil) (conn ...)) (while t (unless ... ...) (slime-accept-process-output nil 0.01))) (catch tag (slime-rex (tag sexp) (sexp package) (... ... ...) (... ...)) (let (... ... ...) (while t ... ...))) (apply (function funcall) (catch tag (slime-rex ... ... ... ...) (let ... ...))) (let* ((tag ...) (slime-stack-eval-tags ...)) (apply (function funcall) (catch tag ... ...))) slime-eval((swank:frame-catch-tags-for-emacs 0)) sldb-catch-tags(0) (let* ((frame ...) (num ...) (catches ...) (locals ...)) (destructuring-bind (start end) (sldb-frame-region) (list start end frame locals catches))) sldb-frame-details() (let* ((--cl-rest-- ...) (start ...) (end ...) (frame ...) (locals ...) (catches ...)) (slime-save-coordinates start (delete-region start end) (slime-propertize-region ... ... ...)) (sldb-recenter-region start end)) (progn (let* (... ... ... ... ... ...) (slime-save-coordinates start ... ...) (sldb-recenter-region start end))) (destructuring-bind (start end frame locals catches) (sldb-frame-details) (slime-save-coordinates start (delete-region start end) (slime-propertize-region ... ... ...)) (sldb-recenter-region start end)) sldb-show-frame-details() (if (or on (not ...)) (sldb-show-frame-details) (sldb-hide-frame-details)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)) (if (or on ...) (sldb-show-frame-details) (sldb-hide-frame-details))) sldb-toggle-details() funcall(sldb-toggle-details) (if fn (funcall fn)) (let ((fn ...)) (if fn (funcall fn))) sldb-default-action() call-interactively(sldb-default-action nil nil) recursive-edit() byte-code("�. @�=�!.���\"���!�.A@)��=�!.���\"��!�� �� !�\f�c.�ed\".V�W.eb��.�y�`.db��.�.Zy�.`|�)�c�eb���� \"�� ���!���..��!��� �+ه" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4) debug(nil ("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) (file-error "writing to process" "connection reset by peer" #<process SLIME Lisp>))) (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...))) slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2)) byte-code("��H�H\"�" [timer apply 5 6] 4) timer-event-handler([t 18604 16224 490468 nil slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) nil]) recursive-edit() byte-code("�. @�=�!.���\"���!�.A@)��=�!.���\"��!�� �� !�\f�c.�ed\".V�W.eb��.�y�`.db��.�.Zy�.`|�)�c�eb���� \"�� ���!���..��!��� �+ه" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4) debug(nil ("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp> nil 22) (file-error "writing to process" "connection reset by peer" #<process SLIME Lisp>))) (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...))) slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 22) apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 22)) byte-code("��H�H\"�" [timer apply 5 6] 4) timer-event-handler([t 18604 16212 406912 nil slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 22) nil])