Tamas K Papp <tkpapp@gmail.com> writes:
I decided that it would be worthwhile to learn some Emacs Lisp, mainly in order to understand the internals of SLIME better -- maybe I could get to the point that I could extend and customize it myself. This is why I am posting here instead of an emacs group.
I am looking for help on how to get started, especially with the following:
1. Is there a SLIME-like IDE for Emacs Lisp? If not, what's the closest? I know that Emacs itself provides some functionality, but it does not look nearly as comfy as SLIME for CL. Eg I couldn't figure out the equivalent of M-. and similar. There's M-x ielm. For M-. I use http://paste.lisp.org/display/113374
2. Is there a document describing the architecture of SLIME? Not that i know. "A pile of hacks" sounds about right.
3. How should I start? What's the best way to start poking around in SLIME? By finding something you want to modify.
-- With Best Regards, Stas.