Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it> writes:
By the way, since I use the repl often, I do this under Linux. I keep an Emacs frame with the SLIME repl, and another frame with the Lisp code buffer on which I am working. Each Emacs frame goes into its own KDE virtual desktop.
Imho "ratpoison" wm is best solution with Emacs with multiple frames (no KDE&stuff, Emacs look&feel) [ http://ratpoison.sourceforge.net/ ].
Switching from the Lisp buffer to the repl is a simple matter of Ctrl-Fn.
I post my (temporary) solution on alt.pl.comp.os.linux.newbie few weeks ago, I think it's better solution than yours. First message [1] (below) is my .emacs file. See fragment with `ssb-make-select-key' macro: ..... (macrolet ((CREATE-SELECT-KEYS (&rest lst) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(ssb-make-select-key ,@x)) lst)))) (CREATE-SELECT-KEYS ;; --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ;; key ssb-x-cdll prefix(es) command hook-name mode-name ;; --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ("s-i" "info" Info info ) ("s-s" "eshell" eshell eshell ) ("s-w" "w3m" w3m w3m ) ("s-t" "text" text ) ("s-;" "slime/ielm" (slime-repl ielm) nil nil (slime-repl-mode inferior-emacs-lisp-mode)) ("s-l" "LISP/elisp" (lisp emacs-lisp) ) ;; --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- )) ; hook-name and mode-name are optional. They are created from `prefix(es)'. ..... [1] Message-ID: <87y8mzuf9u.fsf_-_@darkstar.example.net> my dot-emacs. [2] Message-ID: <87r7sruf4q.fsf@darkstar.example.net> `ssb-make-selct-key' macro - it do the job. [3] Message-ID: <87n03fuf38.fsf@darkstar.example.net> funny "library" (stupid and hairy (stupidness and hairness was intended) dll) required by `ssb-make-select-key' macro.
I use the `slime-selector' command. This is not bound anywhere by default because it really needs a global binding to be useful.
If you put it on e.g. `C-c s' then you can jump into the repl with `C-c s r' and back to the most recently visited Lisp source by pressing `C-c s l'. It supports more buffers too, and is extensible.
Iteresting. I must try it. Regards.