On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 17:17:05 +0200, Marco Baringer <mb@bese.it> said:
Marco> i have a few questions (more or less related to this): Marco> 1) anybody ever feel that they'd like to get at an objcet returned a Marco> while ago? Perhaps for a few minutes, but I'd like the GC to remove objects that I created last month :-) Marco> 2) just out of idle curiosity how do you guys use the repl? i know Marco> some people basically don't use it, prefering to do everything Marco> from buffers, is that common? I use the repl to evaluate random forms because it provides a record of what was done, but I use buffer/definition eval/compile for most defining forms. (This is in the LW IDE, but I would use slime in the same way.) __Martin