Hi, I'm setting up emacs/slime for the first time and I'm having some difficulties getting automatic bracket matching to work. I watched Marco Baringer's lisp video and I've got most of the useful features working like tab auto-completion and hyperspec lookup for example, but brackets don't seem to matched automatically like they were in Marco's video. For example whenever an opening bracket was typed a closing bracket would be inserted after the cursor, but this doesn't happen in my emacs/slime configuration. My versions are the following: emacs-22.3-r1 slime-2.0_p20080731 Here is my emacs config for slime/lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime") (require 'slime) (slime-setup) (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl" slime-complete-symbol-function 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol common-lisp-hyperspec-root "file:///usr/share/doc/hyperspec-7.0/HyperSpec/" slime-enable-evaluate-in-emacs t slime-log-events t slime-outline-mode-in-events-buffer nil slime-repl-return-behaviour :send-only-if-after-complete slime-autodoc-use-multiline-p t slime-highlight-compiler-notes t browse-url-browser-function 'w3m) (define-key global-map (kbd "<f12>") 'slime-selector) (define-key slime-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'slime-indent-and-complete-symbol) (define-key slime-mode-map (kbd "C-c TAB") 'slime-complete-form) Thanks in advance, Adam