Hello, I just got a reject from ftpmaster (the person, not that server) for the slime package because some of a stupid packaging error on my part and because the readme says that there is no general license for the package and that you should check all files individualy. When you do that you see that: doc/texinfo-tabulate.awk present.lisp swank-ecl.lisp swank-source-file-cache.lisp swank-source-path-parser.lisp swank.asd mkdist.sh test-all.sh test.sh have no license information. nregex.lisp has a (sort-of) licence without permission to distribute or anything. Could you clear these problems up? Groetjes, Peter -- signature -at- pvaneynd.mailworks.org http://www.livejournal.com/users/pvaneynd/ "God, root, what is difference?" Pitr | "God is more forgiving." Dave Aronson|