* Matt Lamari [2010-02-13 19:32+0100] writes:
On the call stack
compile-file swank-require
Undefined function COMPILE-FILE called with arguments (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" :ONLY-PATH T). [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]
Restarts: 0: [RETRY] Try invoking COMPILE-FILE again. 1: [NIL] Return some values from the call to COMPILE-FILE. 2: [USE-VALUE] Try invoking something other than COMPILE-FILE with the same arguments. 3: [STORE-VALUE] Set the symbol-function of COMPILE-FILE to another function. 4: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 5: [ABORT] Quit process.
Backtrace: 0: CONDITIONS::CONDITIONS-ERROR (:INVISIBLEP T #<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION 200F059B> NIL) 1: ERROR (#<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION 200F059B> &REST NIL) 2: CONDITIONS::UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-FUNCTION-INTERNAL-COMMON (:INVISIBLEP T COMPILE-FILE (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" :ONLY.. 3: COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME (#P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/swank-indentation-fu" &REST NIL &KEY NIL "<&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS>") 4: SWANK::MODULE-CANDITATES ("swank-indentation-fu" #P"C:/Users/Matthew Lamari/.slime/fasl/2010-02-01/lispworks-6.0.0-mswindows-x86/contrib/")
This looks like COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME is calling (COMPILE-FILE ... :ONLY-PATH t). I.e. the delivered app not only misses COMPILE-FILE but also that COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME. I guess the Lispworks people didn't intend that. You can work around that problem by customizing swank:*find-module*. Set it to a function which doesn't need COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME. Helmut