22 Jan
22 Jan
3:34 p.m.
Apparently, C-M-q is undefined in Lisp Slime buffers (SLIME version
I don't know if it is intentional or not. What is it you think it should do? I just *looked it up* in the Index to Key Bindings and it doesn't appear to be bound to anything.
I have updated to SLIME 2007-01-20 and when I press C-h k C-M-q I see that C-M-q is bound to indent-sexp. I don't remember it being bound to anything else (but I may be wrong). Ariel, are you saying that C-M-q is not bound to anything or that it has the wrong binding?
[The emphasis is for those who want to do away with the index to key bindings]. ;-)
Ungrateful wretches those nameless people, eh! ;-) - Bill