I recently had a significant memory leak, where Lisp + slime behaved badly while Lisp + terminal (or Emacs inferior-lisp mode) behaved unsurprisingly. I traced it to what I call the "clickable value history" in SLIME. E.g. old values in your *SLIME repl* buffer are still available and kept in the Lisp image. You can reach them via right mouse button (RMB) -> copy to input.
It is as if SLIME had infinite(?) * ** *** **** ***** ****** ... variables that remember ancient values (or rather / // /// //// ///// ...) Outside of SLIME, the old data would have been reclaimed by GC long time ago.
In my particular case, huge data structures would have been ready to free if SLIME had not kept that link. How can I clear this value cache, or control the cache policy?
Thanks for your help, Jorg Hohle