* Matt Lamari [2010-02-13 18:20+0100] writes:
Lispworks. It contains compile-file; but the delivered EXEs it produces do not (this is by design). Slime has to connect to a delivered EXE in my situation.
It seems *intended* to compile if the source is newer than the FASL file. But due to the problem I see, it is rebuilding elements that I know have already been compiled in from latest.
The ability to use compile-file at runtime would be sufficient to mask the problem. Indeed, the logic I mentioned could be broken completely (to recompile everything every time) and most users wouldn't notice it.
The loader (swank-loader.lisp) may call compile-file if the source is newer or the fasl file doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure that that part isn't broken, otherwise SBCL would start noticeably slower. swank-require doesn't call compile-file. It loads the source if the fasl file doesn't exist. (I think that we can exclude the possibility that cl:require calls compile-file for Lispworks.) Maybe some file/directory names aren't set correctly for the EXE version, but it's hard to say without a more concrete error description. Helmut