Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
Where should install we SLIME by default? A writable directory would be the easiest for us; not sure if distributors like that.
I hacked swank-loader.lisp to put the fasl files in ~/.slime/fasl/ (on Win32 it's _slime instead). This way we can install in a read-only directory. Sound okay? I gather that pathname'ery is notoriously non-portable. I've tested this in CMUCL, SBCL, LispWorks, ACL50.
I don't plan to add much new stuff in the future; the current state seems to satisfy my needs.
Likewise. Now I'm more comfortable hacking CL than Elisp and that's my major milestone. I would still like an answer to edebug in Emacs21, but we gotta save something for version 2 :-) So it seems to be worth interrupting normal hacking for a little while to get a 1.0 release out the door. I propose this release plan: "alpha" release towards the end of this month: Release a tarball of something FAIRLY-STABLE and encourage as many people as possible to install and bash on it. Major bug-hunting spree, last chance for people to suggest small changes. "beta" release towards the end of July: Take what we have after alpha and release that. Final round of bug-hunting. Try really hard not to add features. "1.0" release towards the end of August: If we're satisfied at this point we make a slime-1.0.tar.gz and put it on the 'net. We also try to get it bundled in packaging systems (debian, gentoo, xemacs, etc). Thoughts? -Luke