Andrew Gasparovic <andrew@andrewgasparovic.com> writes:
The way the XREF buffer works wrt. emacs windows has always seemed a little strange to me. When you M-. and go straight to a function definition (for example), the source file opens in the same window you were in when you hit M-. The XREF buffer opens in another one (the opposite one if you work with two windows side by side, as I do).
That's not bad by itself, but pressing SPACE on one of the definitions has the nasty side-effect of ruining my window layout. It replaces both windows with one to display the source file. So if I just want to go to a particular definition's source file, I either have to accept that and reset my windows by hand, or press ENTER, kill the XREF buffer, and switch to the other window with the source buffer.
I always work with two frames side by side. That said, I believe SPACE should now work a bit better even with your setup.
Am I missing something? It seems like other people would be experiencing this more often, but I've never heard anyone complaining....
In the long run, I'd like to have `C-u q' always restore the window configuration (not there yet), and `C-x k' never (where it's still made sure that potential cleanup functions are run) across all relevant buffers. `q' restores the window configuration only if it hasn't changed meanwhile. This works quite reasonable when you use frames, not so much when you use a horizontally split windows, I guess. Anyway, if the abovely pictured scheme is in place, you'll have full control over it. -T.