Helmut Eller <heller <at> common-lisp.net> writes:
I've added a branch with tag "contrib" which contains my proposal to split up Slime. Essentially it contains a new directory "contrib" with the fuzzy completion code. To use fuzzy completion you have to add something like this to your .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path ".../slime/contrib/") (add-hook 'slime-load-hook (lambda () (require 'slime-fuzzy)))
After that everything should work as before.
Unless we hit some show stopping problem, I'll merge that branch into the main trunk in the next few days.
Hi, I have just installed the contrib branch - everything's loading and working fine so far. It seems very tempting now to add some more contributions... :) I am thinking about one that uses cl-ppcre for find / replace in a specific asdf:system or all asdf::*defined-systems*. For this I have some old code that I find pretty useful and I will try to write it up more nicely. I will probably want to add a submenu at the end of the SLIME menu (or somewhere else?). I have tried using: (easy-menu-add-item menubar-slime nil ["hallo" hallo t]) But it seems to be adding this entry sometimes only in the SLIME menu for the REPL or in the menu for the slime-mode. What do you think about menus for contributions in general? For the time being, I'll just try to bind some keys... Best, Kilian